
Join our Open-Source Community

Join our Open-Source Community


All our Client Modules are 100% Open-Source

You can find sources of all our client modules on GitHub, for free! You can download it for free, modify anything, and propose pull requests!

You have special needs?

You are 100% free to modify our modules to customize the way your synchronization works!

  • Add access to your own custom / special fields
  • Customize default data mapping to match your special needs

Fork & Improve our modules!

You have ideas to improve Splash modules?

  • Integrate new features
  • Implement access to new fields
  • Design beautiful widgets

Create pull request and share your ideas with our community. We analyze all pull request with maximal attention. 

You connected a new application?

Great achievement!!! Send us an email, we will open a new public repository to share it with the community. 

Splash Sync Github page :

Note : By submitting code on our repository, you accept their Open-Source Licence. This means your work may be modified, reuse and redistribut by anybody, including by Splash Sync team to include it into official module's releases catalog.
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