
New Connector! Mailjet Emailing Platform

New Connector! Mailjet Emailing Platform

Sycnhronize Mailjet with any application using Splash

Nice! Mailjet is now compatible with Splash!

What is Mailjet

Mailjet is one of most used solution to power email campaigns and automation. It provide services to accelerate your business with marketing and transactional Emails.

What we will synchronize

Once connected, Splash will be able to access and synchronize all you customers data with the contact list you will select. This means each new or updated customer will be automaticaly created on your Mailjet account.

E-Commerce benefits

Using Splash to synchronize your contacts with Mailjet has many advantages!

  • No more complex export & import of your contacts, it's now done automatically and in real time!
  • You don't need to install additionnal modules on your E-Commerce.
  • You can merge contacts from multiples websites into a single contact list.
  • Speed of you E-Commerce will be imporved as only one notification will be send when changes are done, Splash will manage the rest.

Install Instructions

On your Splash Account, goes on Account page and select Mailjet to create a new connection. Then enter the API key given by Mailjet. Once connection established, you will have to select the list you want to connet with this account.

If you have any kind of request about this connector, send us an email!

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