
FAQ - Subscriptions

FAQ - All about Subscriptions Levels

Answers to the questions that you ask us regularly about the levels of subscriptions.

Free accounts

With Splash, you can freely create your account and test our service, without having to enter any payment information and with no time limits.

The goal is simple: allow you to test Splash, connect your first two servers and validate for yourself that it works!

However, the free account is not intended to be used in production, so some features are disabled.

Limited storage

The number of items you sync with a free account is limited, it's the game. However, number of changes (Commit) it is not limited, so you can test Splash down to the last detail.

Expert Mode

Expert mode allows you to modify the configuration of your ecosystem in finest detail. But it can also be the source of problems. That's why this feature is disabled for free accounts.

Two Active Servers

You can create and connect as many servers as you want, but only two can be active at the same time.

What is the limitation of the number of objects?

Each subscription level entitles to a number of synchronized objects. That is, a maximum amount of data that can be synchronized by Splash.

An object is the basic unit for storing data in Splash. Each entity, customer, product, order or other type of data, represents an object.

For example:

  • A Product sheet = 1 Object
  • A Customer with two addresses = 3 Objects
  • An order = 1 Object

  If you synchronize e-Commerce orders, count on 5 objects per validated order.

What happens when my quota is reached?

When you have reached the maximum number of items in your account, it will no longer be possible to add new data to syncronize. But all already known data will continue to be synchronized.


  • The stock of product X, already synchronized Splash, will continue to be.
  • The new order, unknown to Splash until then, will not be imported.
The idea behind this logic is that even you have reached the limits of your subscription, Splash continues to service and does not create data loss by stopping synchronization of previously known data.